Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ikea Finds

Matt and I spent all afternoon at Ikea last Sunday. Yes we looked at everything, and yes we ate meatballs. I found a much needed filing cabinet that is so lovely. I have been going through files and paperwork like mad all week...I feel so calm and free!! I love organizing and having a place for everything. There is nothing more frustrating when I need to find "that piece of paper" and it's somewhere in a big giant pile. I also found the cutest candles. Why do I go nuts for candles?? The black and white were great on my Halloween table, and the red and white will look scrumptious for Christmas.

1 comment:

Kate, Brian and Hazel said...

We went to Ikea two nights ago also...and yes we dined on those fantastic meatballs and bought some to take home too..hazel LOVED 'em!